Sunday, April 15, 2012

TV Show Analysis #2

Endless Suffrage 2012- Rick Santorum Drops Out
This excerpt, “Endless Suffrage 2012- Rick Santorum Drops Out” was taken from “The Daily Show with Jon Stewart.” This was aired on Wednesday April 11, 2012. In this excerpt, Jon Stewart is discussing Rick Santorum’s decision to stop his campaign and is making fun of Santorum’s redefining the concept of “winning”. Stewart makes fun of Santorum’s logic when showing the viewers a clip of his ending campaign speech. Stewart also makes fun of Santorum by saying things like, “the sweater wearing prude and c*ck block…” In his speech, Santorum said, “…we were winning in a different way…” and in response Stewart said, “…you were losing. Like winning, but in reverse…” Santorum then goes on to say, “This race was more improbable than any race for president ever…” or something along this. Stewart responds, “Really? Any race, ever? Like, were you alive in 2008? When a black guy named Barack Hussein Obama beat a 48 term war hero senator? Were you alive then, because that was pretty f-ing weird.” Stewart then said that Santorum was not even the most improbable thing in this GOP primary. That title, I believe, still goes to a Pokémon singing pizza magnet whose big idea in this race was a number.” Stewart then went on by making fun of Herman Cain’s “999” plan for fixing the economy. Throughout the excerpt, Stewart is making fun of not only Santorum, but also Cain who dropped out very early in the race due to personal problems. Stewart is making fun of Santorum’s definition of “winning” because normal people believe that the person who is in first place is winning while Santorum and his family believe they have won in a different way. Although Santorum is out of the race, he is still an easy target for creating jokes. The ideological perspective the is being represented by the show seems to be more of that of someone who is in between a liberal and a conservative because if the show were super conservative, they would be praising Santorum and his extreme conservative views. This relates to current political event because now that Santorum is out of the race for the GOP nomination, everyone is certain that Mitt Romney will most likely be the candidate to run against Obama for the presidency this November. This relates to class because throughout the year, we have been waiting for this day to come where the country finds out which of the many candidates running would become the GOP nomination. Finally, that day has come. The entire excerpt is satire because it is obvious that Stewart is mocking Santorum’s definition of winning and Herman Cain’s 999 Plan. The overall point of the segment was made and the audience understands completely that Rick Santorum is out of the race.

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